Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ah this is not always so easy. Especially after several HARD rains, the kind where raindrops each weigh about five pounds and wash away roads. My proud stand of zinnias took a hard hit last week, so hard that many of the plants actually broke off at the base of the stalk.

I kind of felt like an undertaker as I took these broken plants away. Then I felt like a grave-robber as I cut whatever "fresh" blooms I could for a bouquet for the office. Then I just felt really sad when I took the remains up to our compost pile.

All these feelings were negative, and I don't live well with negative feelings, so it was time to put on my Regain Perspective Hat and sit and think:
  • Heck, sh*t happens -- I'm not in Paradise yet
  • Don't mess with Mother Nature
  • At least the office has a really cheerful vase full of flowers
  • Next time, stake the darn plants before this happens
  • Time to roll with the punches, go with the flow
  • Suck it up and move on
Moving on I am:
  • I took a deep breath, gave thanks for all the plants that didn't get flattened (the Mexican Sunflowers are awesomely strong).
  • I just planted a new batch of Cosmos and Hollyhocks. They WILL be staked.
  • I'm going out to buy a new supply of stakes.

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