Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Some people say that we should keep our expectations low so we won't be disappointed. When I realized that my expectations have almost always been met, I decided to raise my expectations and not give voice or thought to any negative ones. Sometimes that's really hard to do --- especially when I'm with people who have a habit of voicing the negative.

I have some really good friends who tend toward the negative, but I love them anyway. I guess that's because, behind the apparent negativity, I see wonderful attributes that are worthy of my respect. My good-but-negative friends don't have a negative effect on me because I know and love them. So what do I do with the negative strangers?!? I really don't like to argue and I refuse to confront; I just remain pleasant and change the subject. It may be cowardly, but I sure do sleep well at night!

A lot of words to just say, my expectations are always positive, and it sure pays off!

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